Monday, October 2, 2017

Look beyond what you see

Hello wonderful group of email contacts!
Transfers have happened, but the only change has been the internal change inside of me as I have viewed Conference. So, I am still serving in Chester with Sister Turnbull.
This area is treating me well and I'm very grateful to be staying here in the beautiful roman city of Chester and the beautiful hills of north Wales. Since I have been here, I have decided to learn a bit of Welsh. But, according to DuoLingo, I'm only 2% fluent. So, my favorite phrase so far is "Bore Da, Draig". Which means "Good Morning, Dragon" :P I enjoy how "dragon" is one of the first words you get to learn in Welsh! Also, the members are wonderful here, and I get along well with them -
even to the point where I attempted to eat a members fish when we all ate together 😂 long story, but basically, we were all painting for a service project, and got hungry, so this member went to go get us something from the Chippie. He came back with some fish and chips, and while I ate mine, some dropped on the floor, so I trapped it to throw away, and then came back and started pulling apart his fish because I thought it was mine! Haha it was so funny! It's okay though, because
earlier, he tried to drink my can of coke. He's been teasing me all week about things and we get along really well. Basically, the members here are just the best! I'm making great friends and I love it here! We are also now working with two families who have children over the age of eight, so we have been working with them. It's been fun to teach children more about the gospel in such simple terms. Hearing their testimonies always strengthens mine! They are such pure hearts and love Jesus. It's been great to work with them and see them progress towards baptism. Also, as I mentioned previously, conference was AMAZING! It's incredible to think that we have the opportunity to listen to modern day apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ twice every year. This conference really helped me. There were so many things said that
touched my heart and I felt that God knows who I am and what I need. Let's all take the advice of my favourite Disney film that has been quoted in Conference and "Look beyond what you see". Once we look past our spiritual eclipse enough to see the light behind, we can hold on to that light, no matter how big or small it may be. Christ is my light, and he will lead me back to my Heavenly home. Conference was a spiritually uplifting time for me. If you haven't watched Conference, you should! Right now! What are you doing reading my email when you could be watching an apostle of the Lord! Go! Watch! Wilko out...
-Sister Wilkinson

A library they went to today

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